Everything I hoped for an more. Nov 1, 2011 - Le Rayon Vert (Summer) / Eric Rohmer / 1986. $5,040 Still, remain hopeful—tread lightly, and the lingering petals will guide you to me once again.”Your words were nearly prophetic, for I now write you this letter at sea—alone, with nothing but a pen and the sharp oceanic dew striking my senses—in search of your longing presence.Rohmer is more interested in dimension than anything else, both literal and metaphoric. Add our editors' Netflix movie and TV picks to your Watchlist. And the name "Octave" fits him like a glove! Our recommendations include " It is such an unusual sensation— I never really find characters in films who encapsulate me completely, but I did with Delphine, and I wasn't sure how to react.

The young Parisian office worker Delphine has been single long enough to be pitied by everyone and is old enough to suffer unadmittedly from it. Eric Rohmer writes Delphine's unique and melancholy character in a raw way that is entirely believable. Share. It's almost comforting in its honesty. Louise, a young woman, who recently finished her studies in arts, is working as a interior decorator trainee. He performs so well in this kind of role. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. When her best friend cancels a trip together shortly before the summer holidays, Delphine embarks on a restless journey to babbling acquaintances and relatives, and only feels constantly out of place at crowded beaches and bleak mountain stations. Sie ist ständig unzufrieden, weiß nicht, was sie will, und verbringt ihren Urlaub weitgehend isoliert oder mit Zwangsbekanntschaften.In "Das grüne Leuchten" bringt es Eric Rohmer aber fertig, aus dieser komplizierten Gemengelage einen wunderbar empathischen und federleichten Film über eine depressive Frau zu machen. !Someone stop me from getting “a lettuce is a friend” on a t-shirtMy first Rohmer! Directed by Éric Rohmer. Éric Rohmer was a master simplicity and honesty but also complexity of the way he depicted the human nature. 14 January 2004 | LeRoyMarko Sure: she experiences those beautiful moments of summer, mixing mud with a little nudie toddler, meeting a new foreign friend on the beach, watching the wind whip up a meadow or joining people rushing into the waves. Popular reviews More. And yet, for being a film about loneliness, it’s also…delphine is the most relatable character that exists, i want to give her a hugI feel like if I had seen this a year ago I would’ve loved it but with the headspace I’m in right now, I just found Delphine really annoyingI decided to start this project after observing the sheer absence of good, unbiased, ranking movie lists, that encompasses both…Essential movies for lonely people out there (like me) if you want to feel something in this big big world.…Mood > Narrative. Innerhalb seines Zyklus "Komödien und Sprichwörter" entstanden, balanciert er auch mit Themen wie Esoterik (Astrologie; Kartenlesen) oder Literatur (Jules Verne, der das Titel gebende "grüne Leuchten" beschrieb).Ein Meisterwerk - und, ungewöhnlich für Rohmer, mit einem sparsam eingesetzten Soundtrack.An exercise in almost brutal realism, the films of French director Eric Rohmer are typically noted for their use of non-professional actors improvising much of their own dialogue, minimal camera movement (including the almost complete abandonment of the close-up) and - typically - a lack of musical score.

I enjoy this film very much. It's July, and Delphine has nowhere to go for the summer.