[…] Search songs by title, artist or link.

Supports Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud & BandCamp! Hydra – Discord Music Bot Listen to music in discord – with style! discordbotlist.com is not affiliated with Discord, Inc.

The best music bot for Discord. Have fun with the entire Community OR Studdy Group. Feature rich with support for songs and playlists from YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud and more!Hydra is a music bot with a easy to use reaction-based menu and a unique way of showing the current song and queue (optional).After setup most of the commands only work in the songrequest channel.Hydra is multilingual and you can set your prefered language.To enable/disable the possibility to load favorites and playlists in the queue you can type '.playlists'To set dj roles you can to type: '.setdj <@role, name or id>' Supports Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud & BandCamp! Hydra. Some features shown on Youtube: Hydra - Discord Music Bot. Control your music via a simple reaction-based-menu. RizkyHKingK 6691 6,137 views. Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server. Plays the file attached to the message. Supports Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud & BandCamp! Delete a song from your default or provided playlist Lag Free We ensure that there is always enough capacity for every server to get the highest quality possible. Hydra is a music bot with a easy to use reaction-based menu and a unique way of showing the current song and queue (optional). This bot will definitely spice up the conversations! Some features shown on Youtube: Hydra - Discord Music Bot Youtube Songs, playlists, favorites. Hydra is a music bot with a easy to use reaction-based menu and a unique way of showing the current song and queue (optional). .playlist show [page number] .playlist song delete [playlist name] Hydra Commands Prefix: . Listen to a music bot with style! About The bot was made by onenak dev team just for fun. 258 ONLINE 796,748 Servers Ayana Powerful Multipurpose Music Bot for Discord. Benefit from Hydra's extensive command list containing unique and feature-rich variations of commands. You can dynamically browse through our different command categories and share custom links! Save a song to your default or provided playlist You may find all currently available commands by running the command with no arguments. Lets you vote for skipping the current track. If you would like to change the default prefix from z/ to another string, use the config prefix command… Some features shown on Youtube: Hydra - Discord Music Bot Hydra. Rythm is always being updated and worked on to bring you even better quality and to suit your needs! Supports Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud & BandCamp!

Show the songs within the provided playlist. You can queue songs in there simply by name or url (no prefix or command … Some features shown on Youtube: Hydra - Discord Music Bot. Supports YouTube, Spotify, […] Feature rich with support for songs and playlists from YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, SoundCloud and more! Shows lyrics for the currently playing song. Shows details of the song currently being played. Listen to music in Discord - with style! Dyno is a fully customizable bot for your server with a web dashboard, moderation, music, auto roles, auto moderation, and more. Moderation, Web Dashboard. Hydra 24,288. Setup. Shows the websocket latency of the bot. Setup. This tool makes it possible for researchers and security consultants to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access to a system remotely. discordbotlist.com is not affiliated with Discord, Inc. JDA. © Hydra Bot 2020 - All rights reserved. Shows the detail of a specific song in the queue. It only takes one command to get music playing. Hydra is a parallelized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. It offers more features than any other Discord bot dedicated to its purpose - delivering high quality music from multiple sources.