You can complete the translation of spare given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Cherchez spare et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire Anglais pour Apprenants de Reverso. - Tu en as une autre?→ The great cities of the Rhineland had not been spared.1. B: "Spare me! spare translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'spare bedroom',spare part',spare room',spare time', examples, definition, conjugation En revanche, les diverses espèces de poissons étoient aussi bonnes que multipliées […] Des spares, mulets, labres […] étoient répandus dans toutes les parties de la rade et des havres voisins. → There are never any spare hospital beds in Britain.→ If you have any spare baby clothes or blankets, please donate them.→ There's a spare slice of pizza here if you want it.→ He chose spare white furnishings for the bedroom.→ The decor of their house is spare and minimalist.J'ai perdu ma clé.

spare définition, signification, ce qu'est spare: 1. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : traduire du Anglais à Français avec nos dictionnaires en ligne adjectif →. Want to thank TFD for its existence?

Forums pour discuter de spare, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Definition of spare in the dictionary. adjectif →. → If you have any spare baby clothes or blankets, please donate them.

He spared no expense on the wedding. See also: français, francais, and Francais spare meaning: 1. See more. Français: spare adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Littéralement « de réserve », « de rechange » ou bien « de secours ». - Tu en as une autre?→ The great cities of the Rhineland had not been spared.1. Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …). expression mean?

de rechange ; libre ; disponible ; en trop 2. sec (personne) 3. dépouillé ; austère ; frugal J'ai une brosse à dents en trop si tu veux.=I have a spare toothbrush if you want. → There's a spare slice of pizza here if you want it. You use spare to describe something that is the same as things that you are already using, but that you do not need yet and are keeping ready in case another one is needed.Don't forget to take a few spare batteries..., He could have taken a spare key..., The wagons carried spare ammunition.You use spare to describe something that is not being used by anyone, and is therefore available for someone to use.The spare bedroom is on the second floor..., There was hardly a spare inch of space to be found.If you have something such as time, money, or space to spare, you have some extra time, money, or space that you have not used or which you do not need.If you spare time or another resource for a particular purpose, you make it available for that purpose.She said that she could only spare 35 minutes for our meeting...He suggested that his country could not spare the troops for such an operation.If a person or a place is spared, they are not harmed, even though other people or places have been.We have lost everything, but thank God, our lives have been spared...If you spare someone an unpleasant experience, you prevent them from suffering it.I wanted to spare Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject...If you spare a thought for an unfortunate person, you make an effort to think sympathetically about them and their bad luck.Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepersconsumer sales slid again in May...Spare parts are parts that you can buy separately to replace old or broken parts in a piece of equipment. Definition of Spare me! En savoir plus.

Spare me! Élément matériel parfaitement fonctionnel que l'on stocke ou connecte sans l'utiliser, afin de pouvoir remplacer le plus rapidement possible (parfois automatiquement) ce qui tombe en panne. • Genre de poissons acanthoptérygiens qui est actuellement détruit, et qui a donné naissance aux genres boops, cantare, chrysophis, denté, mène, pagel, pagre, sargue, smaris (LEGOARANT) Proposer une autre traduction/définition


- Tu as un double?, J'ai perdu ma clé. spare - traduction anglais-français. Dictionnaire Anglais-Définition simple : traduire du Anglais à Définition simple avec nos dictionnaires en ligne ... Français (French) Русский (Russian) ಕನ್ನಡ …

(and) to spare - traduire en français avec le dictionnaire Anglais-Français - Cambridge Dictionary. spare no effort/expense etc.

spare \spaʁ\ masculin (Ichtyologie) Genre de poissons acanthoptérygiens qui comprend les dorades et beaucoup d'autres espèces.En revanche, les diverses espèces de poissons étoient aussi bonnes que multipliées […] Des spares, mulets, labres […] étoient répandus dans toutes les parties de la rade et des havres voisins. Terme d'histoire naturelle.