The fuzz face was re-issued from 1986 to 2000. Here they are!For a simple project, we recommend the NPN Silicon Transistor Version. In the image below the voltage gain of the input stage is shown varying the fuzz potentiometer. 50k for Q1 and 20k for Q2. Note that the output signal is not completely flat when it clips (it is slightly tilted), this feature adds more character to the sound .The Fuzz Face circuit has 9 components. The single layer PCB with through-hole components fits without problems inside the oversized cast iron enclosure. This is the Fuzz Face™ project know as FF5, the “5” denotes that there are at least 5 different versions that you can build with this project. As the volume goes lower (blue line), the graph shows a steeper slope with more high content. The above graph shows a high pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 14Hz (18.6 -15. I did a layout of this a few weeks ago with trimpots as the only bias resistors. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you are free to copy, share, remix and use all material.Trademarks, brand names and logos are the property of their respective owners. The second amplifier stage can make the clipping harder, with sharper For component economy, the power supply does not include any capacitors to remove ripple from the power line which is something common in Amplifiers use current or voltage as input or outputs, you can check the In amplifier design the degenerative (negative) feedback is used to:Desensitize the gain: make the gain value less sensitive to transistors (i.e component variation caused by temperature).Reduce nonlinear distortion: make the gain constant.Reduce the noise: minimizing the contribution to the output of unwanted electrical signals.Control the input/output impedance: raising or lowering their values.The properties above are obtained at the expense of a reduction of gain. It can be broken down into three parts:The last block (the Feedback Network) will affect the rest of the analysis because it will influence the most important parameters: voltage gain, input impedance, output impedance and frequency response.The fuzz face design was inspired in other contemporary fuzz pedals like the Maestro Fuzz Tone (designed by Glen Snotty) and the Sola Sound ToneBender (designed by Gary Hurst) although the Fuzz Face was an easier circuit than the competitors with only 2 transistors instead of 3.There is some controversy of when and where the 2-transistor topology appeared: the Tone Bender MK1.5 is similar to the Dick Denney designed Vox Distortion Booster circuit, nearly identical to the Italian made Vox Tone Bender circuit, and the Arbiter Fuzz Face circuit.The single layer PCB with through-hole components fits without problems inside the oversized cast iron enclosure. If you want to build a Germanium Transistor version, get your transistor set from If you have a common power supply to power your pedals, the negative ground version will work with your other pedals on a common power supply. It is a DIY standard after all. The fuzz is not designed to overdrive the following If we are looking for high gain it is a common practice to have part or all of the emitter resistor grounded with a bypass capacitor. and a high gain in the second stage (β=110-130 approx. In 1993 Dunlop took over the production selling the fuzz face in different flavors. The right side of the board have all the pads to attach the cables to the battery clip, jacks, potentiometers and the DPDT foot-switch.This is the reduced list of components needed to build a Fuzz Face:     Jack in, Jack out, battery clip, DPDT foot-switch.These are the most important DC bias points of the circuit.For the bias values showed above, the fuzz potentiometer is set to the midpoint (500Ω)The important settings to get the best sound out of a Fuzz Face is to have Q1The input stage is a Common Emitter (Collector Follower) PNP amplifier, it provides a high voltage gain with low input impedance and high output impedance. The new Fuzz Face PCB and Layout that I have drawn is based on the Axis Face circuit board, which is quite possibly the smallest and most compact Fuzz Face circuit board available. .MODEL GERPNP_LOWGAIN PNP(IS=85.8N BF=85.000 NF=1.000 VAF=102.207 .MODEL GERPNP_HIGHGAIN PNP(IS=120.8N BF=120.000 NF=1.000 VAF=102.207 \[\\r_{\pi } = \frac{(\beta +1)\cdot Vt}{I_{EQ}}=\frac{(\beta +1)}{gm}= \frac{(70+1)}{0.0088}= 8K\]\[A_{V}=-g_{m}\cdot R_{C}= -g_{m}\cdot R_{1}= 0.0088 \cdot 33K = 290\: (49dB)\]\[g_{m}=\frac{I_{e}}{V_{T}}= \frac{0.22mA}{25mV}= 0.0088\]\[fc=\frac{1}{2\pi R C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot Z_{in}\cdot  C_{1}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot 5K \cdot 2.2uF}= 14Hz\]\[fc=\frac{1}{2\pi R C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot R_{vol}\cdot  C_{3}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot 500K \cdot 0.01uF}= 31Hz\]\[A_{V}=\frac{R_{C}}{R_{E}}= \frac{R_{2}+R_{3}}{R_{pot1}}\]\[f_{c}=\frac{1}{2\pi R C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot R_{pot1}\cdot  C_{2}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot 1K \cdot 20uF}= 7.9Hz\]\[f_{c}=\frac{1}{2\pi R C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot Z_{in}\cdot  C_{1}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot 5K \cdot 2.2uF}= 14Hz\]\[f_{c}=\frac{1}{2\pi R C}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot R_{vol}\cdot  C_{3}}=\frac{1}{2\pi \cdot 500K \cdot 0.01uF}= 31Hz\]The Fuzz Face is a distortion guitar pedal designed in London by Arbitrer Electronics Ltd in the autumn of 1966. There are two main possibilities:Germanium transistors are considered to have an overall better sounding to this effect with some drawbacks: germanium manufacturing is not as consistent and controlled as silicon and they have shorter lifespan and more "There were always problems with them, so I’d get involved in testing and repairing because they just didn’t all work right! Time Manipulator - Arduino Delay/Echo/Reverb This email address is being protected from spambots. The 20uF is so big that almost all the frequencies get full amplification.FF Sound Signature II: Soft Clipping - Hard Clipping: As the second stage is driven harder, it can reach hard clipping in both semi-cycles of the signal. In this case, the total voltage gain measured at QThis voltage divider created by R2 and R3 will greatly reduce the output level. 2.1 Fuzz Face Layout.