But that was-- that was a long time ago--Anderson Cooper: There were-- there were a lotta shady people here in the past?Prince Albert: Monaco is certainly not a place like that anymore.Prince Albert has publicly pushed to get the country in line with nearly all international banking regulations, and he's been dubbed "The Green Prince" for his focus on climate change and for mandating that all new construction needs to be environmentally sustainable.The problem is there isn't much space left to build on.

Gazing into the secret life of Monaco’s Royal Family in the latest BBC documentary Inside Monaco: Playground of The Rich has provided every royal enthusiast with delight.
He's prince, mayor, CEO and in many ways, luxury landlord.Take a look at his desk, there's not a problem from international diplomacy to traffic troubles downtown that he doesn't oversee. Albert II est le fils du prince Rainier III et de l'actrice Grace Kelly. Maseratis and martinis, mega yachts and motorboats.Steven Saltzman: That's our fisher island. La famille princière monégasque est composée de membres considérés comme dynastes au sein de la famille du prince de Monaco, souverain de la principauté de Monaco.

Edmond a laissé une partie de son immense fortune à Lily.Safra est très réputée pour son dévouement à la charité, notamment par le biais de la Fondation philanthropique Edmond J. Safra.

It's-- I view it as an endearing term.Prince Albert: It's not an-- not an easy responsibility, no matter what the size of the country is.When Prince Albert ascended the throne 14 years ago, Monaco had lost some of its lustre.

From here, the rest of the world is far, far away.Anderson Cooper, anchor of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," has contributed to 60 Minutes since 2006. And the rich and those who want to be rich can meet and mingle and maybe find companionship for the night.Flavio Briatore: Yeah. Inside Monaco: Playground of the Rich Series 1 Episode 2 of 3 The Casino de Monte Carlo holds an exclusive event for high rollers, and the harbour … Because foreigners are our wealth.Anderson Cooper: The foreigners are a source of wealth for the citizens?Anderson Cooper: There-- there's not-- huge industries here. Today, it's home to more multi-millionaires per square foot than any other country and while Grace Kelly's son Prince Albert has been trying to push his nation into the 21st century.

We pay our property tax.

The buck starts and stop with him.Anderson Cooper: Most people we talked to have referred to you at one time or another as the boss.Prince Albert: My father w-- was called the boss as well. REUTERS/Eric GaillardKenneth Cole (à gauche), président de l'amfAR, Brooke Shields, Charlene Wittstock et le Prince Albert de Monaco au Gala "L'industrie du cinéma contre le sida" de l'amfAR, en mai 2011 à Antibes.

His family has been here for more than 200 years, which makes him something of a rarity. In Monaco, you pay no income tax, and rarely pay capital gains or inheritance tax, that is, unless you're American. No. Monaco may be known as a tax haven, but around here that's kind of a touchy subject.Steven Saltzman: No one here is cheating on their taxes. It's the smallest country in the world outside the Vatican, less than one square mile, and in America, it's been associated with glamour ever since movie star Grace Kelly became Princess of Monaco in the 1950s. The first thing you really notice about Monaco is how small it is, less than a square mile carved out of the coastline of France. And we pay our tax on our corporate profits. C’est ce qu'a rappelé Le sultan de Brunei Hassanal Bolkiak se place en deuxième position (avec 17,24 milliards d'euros), tandis que les souverains de Dubaï, d’Abu Dhabi et d'Arabie saoudite se répartissent les troisième, quatrième et cinquième rangs, avec un ordre qui peut varier selon les années. Le site Paris Match est édité par Lagardère Média News Vous disposez déjà d'un compte sur parismatch.com avec l'email CTK/News Pictures - REUTERS/ Damir Sagolj - Jean-Marc HAEDRICH / VISUAL Press Agency A seulement 7 ans, George de Cambridge va se prêter à l'une des activités favorites et incontournable de la famille royale : la pêche à la mouche. L’occasion de constater que le prince Albert II de Monaco se place dans le top 10 et que les nordiques Carl XVI Gustaf et Harald V sont en queue de liste. Or loud people coming to party.There are a lot of loud people wandering around race weekend. La fortune du prince Albert est évaluée à 1 milliard de dollars (environ 900 millions d'euros). Sa fortune s'élève à 86 milliards $, selon le magazine Forbes.

By day, they dance and party by the racetrack, at night the action moves to the yachts docked in the harbour, where the champagne flows and you can dance or do this all night.It's hard to imagine what Grace Kelly would make of it. People go to the disco, p-- people go to the restaurant. This $2 billion project is underway to add 15 acres for luxury apartments by expanding out into the sea.

Business Insider For decades, crooks, courtesans, and con artists were drawn to this slip of land by the sea because of its wealthy residents, its famous casino and its willingness to ignore pesky banking regulations. «El Mundo» n’en dit rien, hormis: «les monarques les plus pauvres du vieux continent (sans doute aux côtés de Hans-Adam de Liechtenstein le 20 mai 2014, le roi Bhumibol Adulyadej de Thaïlande le 9 juin 2012 et le roi Mohammed VI du Maroc le 9 février 2015 Le roi Harald V de Norvège à Yangon le 2 décembre 2014 © Copyright Paris Match 2020. There's a lot of that that goes on.Monaco is certainly not for everyone, but then again, that's the whole idea.Flavio Briatore: Like a dream.