I updated the link. Does having windows 10 have an effect on this? Hello! *you can change the hot key in the ini file Is it just a problem with the creator's preset and I have to find others?

I couldn't find much info about this problem. Halo, my game can't play after download reshade.

I have Windows 7. I've seen a lot of people having this issue. i tried looking on the website but i couldnt find any (unless im really just that blind), and if i cant then could you help me with working 4.6.1? Can someone please help?, when I chose Direct3d 9 it says fail to install even though I had done all of the previous steps properly Open the installer (Right click on the installer and Run it as administrator) 3. A recent Windows 10 update is causing this problem. *try closing all apps, most importantly the ones with overlay When the Reshade menu is open you can't click on the game. is there an adjustment that needs to be made? Now I don’t see and mouse sensitivity settings anywhere in game.

thank you so muchhhh!!!!! Hello! Know how to help? Hello, I recently downloaded reshade and followed your instructions and it installs fine and I see the effects on my screen, I can't click in my game. I have windows 10 and my start up key is the HOME key above the number pad.

So for anyone having trouble with the shift + f2 issue. Different versions have different buttons for that. […] ReShade installation tutorial here […] i love ur tutorials they help me so much!!!!!!!! I was having the same issue of the menu not coming up and did some digging on the website and found out the keybind was changed in the newest version.

I do not have Program files x86. But doing so is as simple as removing the files it added to your game directory -- specifically, the .dll file and the associated .ini file.To access these files, you'll need to go to each game's directory until you see something that looks like this:Once you've navigated to the right folder, the filenames you'll see depend on which graphics API you selected when you installed ReShade.If you follow these steps for a Steam game, make sure you verify the game files afterwards so that you can restore anything that was lost upon installing this program in the first place. 2. Mine is located here: E:\Games\Origin\The Sims 4\Game\Bin maybe yours is in a similar path?

Thanks so much for this tutorial! It is sooo helpful. Is there something I can do to fix this? There's also the sad truth that any third-party modification to a game is bound to cause issues -- whether it's due to software incompatibilities, a lack of dev support for mods, or some other reason. I know some other have had the same problem but I would try to ask it from the Reshade forum. A lot of people have the same issue and what seems to help is to go to Origin - The Sims 4 - Settings - Game settings - Activate origin in the Sims 4: Uncheck that box :) I am having a problem. I'm sure you'll find a better answer there: https://reshade.me/forum i have a windows and the shift+f2 command doesnt work... any tips? If you have a newer reshade like me the keybind got changed to the Home button (or aka pos1 on older keyboards).

I've been trying to get this exact preset to work--I'm glad I found this tutorial, Hopefully it works for me. I want to install reshade because I dislike the coloring of my game. Go into Origin > Application settings > Origin in-game > then switch off origin in-game. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. iT'S WORKS 2020!!!!! *playing in windows fullscreen ReShade supports all of Direct3D 9, Direct3D 10, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, OpenGL and Vulkan. Try pressing on the Home button. Or what do you mean exactly? when I went in game and clicked shift F2 nothing happend? When you close the Reshade menu, it should work fine. What do you mean? But doing so is as simple as removing the files it added to your game directory -- specifically, the.dll file and the associated.ini file.

Thank you victoria that helped me out greatly! ReShade may seem pretty intimidating to uninstall, especially if you installed it manually.