Philippe Collet, Lydie Du Bousquet, Laurence Duchien, Pierre-Etienne Moreau. A conceptual model in UML diagrams was produced and partly implem...Bushmeat is the main source of protein and the most important source of income for rural people in the Congo Basin, but intensive hunting of bushmeat species is also a major concern for conservationists.

de leur prise en compte dans le traitement des questions foncières par les L’auteure tente d’y défendre une position qu’elle appelle « l’objectivité forte » (« strong objectivity »), the raising coordination issues and the potential feedbacks generated by adaptation in the...Les démarches de modélisation d’accompagnement (ComMod) et celles du Groupe d’expérimentation et de recherche : développement et actions localisées (Gerdal) facilitent l’émergence de solutions ou de plans d’action négociés au sein de groupes de pairs ou d’arènes d’acteurs hétérogènes, en stimulant les interactions entre leurs participants. This paper presents the results of field experiments...Common pool resource experiments in the laboratory and the field have provided insights that have contrasted to those derived from conventional non-cooperative game theory.

Les trois nageurs du Cercle des nageurs de Marseille sélectionnés pour les Jeux olympiques de Rio ont eu le plaisir de se voir offrir le tout dernier chronographe connecté l’Exospace B55.

Among the existing generic agent-based simulation platforms, Cormas occupies a tiny, yet lively, place.

We find that all groups overharvest...Most common-pool resource experiments, inspired by the ground-breaking work of Ostrom, Gardner and Walker (1994), involve a typical structure of a static non-linear social dilemma with a rival but non- excludable good that is extracted by a number of players. À ce jour, MONSIEUR PIERRE BOUSQUET n’a pas reçu d'avis concernant ses pratiques de paiement et n’a pas de retard de paiement signalé par les membres RUBYPAYEUR. Efficient actions against runoff in agricultural watersheds are well known. European Union. Also, to learn about a practical way to characterize applications of ABMS to environmental management and to see this framework applied to review a selection of recent ap...Harvesting from common resources has been studied through experimental work in the laboratory and in the field. We highlight the increasing differences between alternative approaches to stewardship and propose a typology to enable scientists and practitioners to more precisely identify the basis and objectives of the concept of stewardshi...In coastal areas around the world, actors are responding to multiple global changes by implementing adaptation plans, often

Now the question is how to address social inequities and power asymmetries.

We think that the mutual understanding...In this new century, there is an urgent need to integrate and organize knowledge into suitable frameworks to examine essential problems with the people involved in solving them. Ce rapprochement n'apparaît cependant pas si évident au vu de la diversité d'éléments de langages utilisés pour les associer. However they are still difficult to implement as they require co-operation between...For the last twenty years, the research units based in Montpellier participating in the SETER project have been developing research activities on socio-ecological systems aiming at understanding relationships between agriculture and biodiversity, policies and landscapes dynamics, watershed management, ecosystem management and health risk, etc. With the science of complex systems now being widely recognized as an appropriate one to tackle the main issues of ecological management, ABMS is emerging as one of the most promising approaches. fait...Territorial development reshapes public action by involving citizens in the choice, Les réflexions se sont construites à partir des six