You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. -- Aniston has no problems recalling her first smooch.

If there is a bucket list for things to do in Hollywood before you die, While not a stand-up comic, Jen has a natural charm and humor that played perfectly in the format. "My heart stopped and I ran to my mom, I was like, ‘Oh my god, I just saw Jennifer Aniston,’" Selena recalled.It was sort of the same reaction — only far less animated — of many of the people from that Central Perk set. But even then, he wasn’t sure.Jen called him on it later when asked to name his first celebrity crush. Jennifer Aniston - @anistondreams | [Jennifer Aniston x burning questions] ♡︎ — okay I have to say if she told me I look great I wouldn’t mind if it’d be a a lie or not. For example, did you know that Will feels sexy when he puts on his referee outfit.The answer was a callback to an earlier chat where Will revealed the soccer league he’s involved in with his kids requires parents to volunteer, and so he’d find himself standing in as a referee, complete with socks up to his knees and a bright shirt.But what made it challenging was that he’s so recognizable among the younger set for one particular project.

• • [all rights to @theellenshow] @jenniferaniston - Mystalk The 50-year-old actress guest hosts The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday and joins Will Ferrell for a game of "Burning Questions… "I think we were at a Vanity Fair or something event. • (Video): Photo #4421000. So you really film here?"

"Still laughing constantly, Jen said that’s what she remembered most about Will from her time hosting the show back in 1999.

"Nobody knew who I was and you were in the bathroom wearing a black dress," she told Jen, showing just how much this moment had imprinted on her. Jennifer Aniston is grilling Will Ferrell! "Also worth the price of admission is their lengthy explanation as to why they agreed that scuba diving was the one thing they’d both tried and would never do again. But it was still a huge deal for the unabashed "Friends" superfan. Aniston could feel that way because her now ex-husband, Ferrell continues the game by sharing that the craziest rumor he's heard about himself is that he died in a hang gliding accident, while Aniston simply quips, "I don't have time for this. Fresh off her first Wustoo Jen just hoped she’d washed her hands. ""I remember being very nervous to meet you and you were so nice to our cast," Will told her. "You can check out her entire interview segment below:Coronavirus panic in France as ‘Chinese woman with fever’ boasts of cheating airport virus scans with pillsSupergrass announce support acts for upcoming UK tourNecessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.

Will Ferrell Answers Jennifer Aniston's Burning Questions - Watch! She revealed Ellen’s real name — "Look it up" — how she’s on the run from the law, apparently loves Gwyneth Paltrow’s latest candle scene, and apparently throws pennies away. "I usually get through half a game before one of the kids on an opposing team is like, ‘Are you the Elf? But it wasn’t a joke. 4/69.

"Am I dreaming? He mused. "I was pretty excited, titillated as fourth graders get. "Got there, did the deal, and somehow, I just remember running home. "That I died in a hang gliding accident," Will said. Will Ferrell Answers Jennifer Aniston's Burning Questions - Watch! Guest host Jennifer Aniston played one of Ellen’s favorite games, “Burning Questions,” and put Will Ferrell in the hot seat. During his appearance, they talked about meeting for the first time in 1999 while she hosted He explained that raising a house full of boys is like running a small correctional facility and shared that he gets recognized while refereeing his kids’ soccer games. Friends reunion: 5 burning questions the HBO special needs to answer ... Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courteney Cox Arquette (Monica) and Matthew Perry (Chandler) Getty Images. Jennifer Aniston is grilling Will Ferrell! It’s their world, not ours," Will said.Both Will and Jen remember when they first met, as it was during the "Friends"-ied heights of her early career and his career-building breakout turn on "Saturday Night Live. If you are using ad-blocking software, please disable it and reload the page. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Don’t worry, we don’t need any unneccessary information for your safety Please enter your e-mail address. Jennifer Aniston is sharing a couple of her firsts!. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As for Jen? ""The anticipation was a bit nerve-wracking," Pitt added. "Rachel was my life! Jennifer Aniston isn’t holding anything back!. He also discussed his upcoming film Kendall Jenner is staying safe. On Friday's "The Ellen DeGeneres Show", Aniston steps in as guest host and sits … "She once voiced an animated adult film called ‘Grinding Nemo,’" Jen said, adding with a wink, "It’s hard to find, but you know how to find it. One woman simply screamed and could not stop, staring at Jen in a shock so real if she hadn’t been screaming, we’re not sure she’d have been breathing.The other pair of women had such a subdued reaction, Jen actually retreated briefly back down behind the couch. "Mine was with a young man named Christian," she says.As for their first celebrity crushes, Ferrell taps Erin Moran's Ferrell and Aniston both go on to agree that scuba diving is something they'll never try again, with the actress explaining, "I don't need to live under there." Sign in or sign up in seconds by using the form. It was just too much. "I don't know. No words were exchanged, but Selena said Jen was still "perfect." she questioned. Fresh off her first Wustoo — okay I have to say if she told me I look great I wouldn’t mind if it’d be a a lie or not. [Jennifer Aniston x burning questions] ♡︎ (Video) Jennifer Aniston is grilling Will Ferrell! • "It was an innocent enough experience, as Selena went into the bathroom and shared the space briefly with the actress before Jen left.