His salary barely makes ends meet, a situation not likely to improve once his pregnant wife gives birth, and their teenage son is battling cerebral palsy.

It consisted of 13 episodes, each running approximately 47 minutes in length In the final season, being bad is no longer an act as Walt's downward spiral leads him to the top of a drug empire, risking everything and everyone Tune in to AMC July 17, 2011 for the return of Breaking Bad. "Box Cutter" is the first episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad and the thirty-fourth episode altogether. Walter, Mike and Jesse meet with Saul to talk about finding a new place to cook.As Lydia gives up her own employee to the DEA, Mike offers her a replacement: Jesse. He is told he has two years to live. Il décide alors de mettre en place un laboratoire de méthamphétamine pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille en s'associant avec l'un de ses anciens élèves, Jesse Pinkman, devenu petit trafiquant. originale 20 janvier 2008 – 9 mars 2008 Nb. His life drastically changes when he's diagnosed with stage III terminal lung cancer, and given a short amount of time left to live: a mere matter of months. Meanwhile, Skyler suspects that her husband is up to no good.As Walt cleans up the mess that was left after his first drug deal, Skyler gets too close to the truth about his double life.Being forced to reveal the truth about his illness leaves Walt facing the dilemma of how to pay for an expensive series of cancer treatments.Skyler organizes an intervention to persuade Walt to accept his former research partner's generous offer to pay for the cancer treatments.With the side effects and cost of his treatment mounting, Walt demands that Jesse find a wholesaler to buy their drugs -- which lands him in trouble.After Jesse's brush with death, Walt agrees to produce even more drugs for the ruthless Tuco. Dates de diffusion et titre international de la sérieMan, some straight like you, giant stick up his ass, all of a sudden at age, what, 60, he's just gonna break bad?Television is historically good at keeping its characters in a self-imposed stasis so that shows can go on for years or even decades« Historiquement, la télévision s'est toujours bien débrouillée pour maintenir ses personnages dans un état de statu quo, de façon que les séries puissent continuer pendant des années, voire des décennies. »Dates de diffusion et titre international de la série« La dernière saison de Breaking Bad confirme son statut de l'une des plus grandes séries de télévision, propulsant son récit vers une conclusion explosive avec une réalisation forte et un scénario solideNotices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes Skyler makes another attempt to convince Walt to give up cooking meth.As Walt and Jesse adjust to life out of the business, Hank grapples with a troubling lead.While Skyler's past catches up with her, Walt covers his tracks. Diagnosed with terminal cancer, a high school teacher tries to secure his family's financial future by producing and distributing crystal meth.Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, a high school chemistry teacher resorts to cooking and selling methamphetamine to provide for his family.Their first aborted drug deal forces Walt and Jesse to dispose of a pair of corpses. originale 8 mars 2009 – 31 mai 2009 Nb. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Tuco Salamanca, le caïd psychopathe, enlève Walter et Jesse car il croit que son bras droit Gonzo l’a trahi (en réalité il a été tué accidentellement). BREAKING BAD Saison 5 Episode breaking bad resume saison 4 2. To ensure his handicapped son and his pregnant wife have a financial future, Walt uses his chemistry background to create and sell the world's finest crystal methamphetamine. La loi francaise breaking bad resume saison 4 vous autorise a telecharger un fichier seulement si vous en possedez l'original Breaking Bad Saison 4 Episode 3 Streaming .