See the benchmark results!Getting the attack to use the maximum performance first time is rare =).Incomes the use of a "proxy". This may help speed up the attack (having the more common values at the start). ), in every visible request. patator Usage Example. I also found checking the actual source code to be helpful as it gave me a better understanding. Meaning the part of the attack could be pointless.The last point is, the system may respond differently depending "how it pushed" and "how much it was pushed".Instead, what might be a better methodology, is having the wordlist sorted in a certain order. This is done by using Now we are going to create a "baseline" which is a request before we try to login (Well this is not exactly what we were expecting! succeeded or failed depending on whether the response body contained

1. Patator is a multi-purpose brute-forcer, with a modular design and a flexible usage. :H=Cookie\: security=low; PHPSESSID=${SESSIONID}"hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/rockyou.txt -e ns -F -u -t # CSRF=$(curl -s -c dvwa.cookie '' | awk -F 'value=' '/user_token/ {print $2}' | cut -d "'" -f2)# curl -s -b dvwa.cookie -d "username=admin&password=password&user_token=${CSRF}&Login=Login" ""

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So each time the size of the wordlist would grow, taking longer, but there will be less chance of missing the "low hanging fruit".
# CSRF=$(curl -s -c dvwa.cookie '' | awk -F 'value=' '/user_token/ {print $2}' | cut -d "'" -f2)# curl -s -b dvwa.cookie -d "username=admin&password=password&user_token=${CSRF}&Login=Login" ""

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/root/users.txt""18:55:21 patator INFO - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The value displayed are in seconds. A wordlist (sometimes referred to as a dictionary file) is just a plain text file, which contains possible values to try separated out by a common perimeter (often a new line). This might not be the case in later versions (or I missed a method to stop this from happening).Let us now define our usernames to use.

One request says the login is incorrect ("Bash fu" alert, we can repeat the last cURL command (Even though DVWA is a "test lab", we are treating it as a production target system. -t TASKS run TASKS number of connects in parallel OPT some service modules support additional input Syntax: :
: This is where most people get it wrong. The file extension does not matter for the text file (often they are We are going to cycle through the usernames before trying the next password, allowing us to focus on the password. Using Becuase we are debugging, the thread count is set to 1, using a larger timeout value as well as to wait after each thread finishes.

so, that we can learn the usages of Patator.