Click on the ⋯ More option. Launch professionally-produced live broadcasts, promote them before they go live, and cut them into highlight clips in near real-time. Missed the show? In the Tweet compose window, look for the icon next to your username listed at the top-left. Click the Schedule button at the bottom of the dialog box.

You can use images, GIFs, videos, and live streams using the Media Studio platform. Once that package is associated with your Twitter username, you can begin Tweeting into the package.In order to monetize via Amplify Pre-roll, your Twitter partner manager will first need to enable the monetization features for your username. This one-stop shop lets you manage your entire organization’s Twitter content, whether you have one account or 50.

With metadata fields, it makes your videos easier to discover and follow on Twitter.The library also simplifies media management on Twitter by providing user roles and permissions that let you compose and schedule both organic and Promoted-only Tweets across teams and accounts.Media Studio’s analytics dashboard makes it easy to measure your performance on Twitter, from comprehensive metrics for Tweets and videos to earnings from monetized videos and more.If you already have a Media Studio account, log in below. The program was created to make it easy for publishers to monetize video content on Twitter, and also turnkey for advertisers to align with brand-safe content. 3. If you have previously used Periscope Producer, you may see already see Sources listed in this view. At your selected date and time, Media Studio will post your Tweet. Overview. They messed up their Twitter scheduling. Twitter Media Studio is a dashboard for uploading, managing and scheduling media tweets. First ensure that you have access to Tweet on behalf of other usernames. Within the date picker that appears, select both a date and exact time (shown with your current timezone). 2. offered by (433) 90,000+ users. Those partners that are accepted into the program and develop a sponsorship package will have access to monetization functionality in Media Studio.The Amplify Sponsorships program allows you to align your premium video content via a one-to-one sponsorship with an advertiser (or many).Sponsorships are the best way to drive meaningful reach and revenue for your brand and deliver premium alignment for advertisers who want to reach your audience.Those partners that are accepted into the program and develop a sponsorship package will have additional monetization functionality in Media Studio.In order to monetize via Amplify Sponsorships, your Twitter partner manager will first need to generate the sponsorship package. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. How do I create a Source? Twitter Media Downloader. If you’ve just recently had this feature enabled, you may need to accept the Amplify Publisher Program Agreement at this point.Note: Even with default monetization settings set, you will still need to manually Tweet each video you want to monetize from Media Studio.Note: If you have set default monetization settings, you can immediately Tweet the media, as the Monetize this video button and all other required fields will be pre-selected.Note: First ensure you are viewing Producer by clicking on the Producer button within the top navigation bar.

Download images/videos of user's media-timeline on Twitter. Amplify Pre-roll The Amplify Pre-roll program is an opt-in advertising program to serve pre-roll against your premium video content shared on Twitter. Media Studio’s library offers a single place for you to upload, organize, and share your videos, GIFs, and images.

Instead of tweeting the phone features in sync with Tim Cook they sent them out early. When Apple launched their iPhone7 in September 2016 they made a big mistake. Learn how to get the most out of Media Studio with Producer, Monetization, Analytics and Library.Upload, organize, and publish content across multiple accounts.Track the performance of all your content in a single place.Drive revenue with Amplify Pre-roll and Sponsorships.With Producer, it’s easy to make Twitter part of your live video distribution strategy. Download images/videos of user's media-timeline on Twitter. Click the Tweet button (compose.svg) to save the scheduled Tweet. Twitter gives you more than just 280 characters to tell your story. Yes, Media Studio supports the creation of multiple Tweets to various usernames at once.