And use the right hashtags to make it easy for people to find you.Use Insta Stories to stay in touch with people, give news, show a day-in-your-life, behind the scenes, and other fun things.Think of your Instagram feed as the cover of a book: it is fixed. and he replied "Thanks man, I love your feed" I don't follow him neither does he, so what does "feed" mean?This literally means nothing. 'garyvee'Are you using Instagram for personal use/fun, or for business? My comment was to counterbalance that and show how people can use it differently.

Also, he is your EX for a reason, you need to get over it and stop stalking everything he does.Feed is like the home page or your timeline in Instagram, basically when he told you that he likes your feeds it means he likes your photos(photography, how you edit your photos, how you take etc) :)! Their users directly reflect the success of Instagram and I sure don’t want to see them go the route of MySpace by making decisions that benefit their investors more than the users that drive the ad revenue.This has to be THE most ridiculous article I have ever read regarding a social site and it’s timeline manipulation. Bottom-line, screw following Instagram via their app. Your content can be discovered by EVEN MORE people than before. It can be difficult to make this happen if your products don’t have your brand’s core colors. In fact, Instagram even specifically says that “all the posts will still be there, just in a different order.”Easily schedule photos, videos & carousel posts with a few clicksGet the insights you know and love from the Instagram app, plus additional analytics for calculating engagement rates, best times to post, and more.Add Your Link in Bio & Drive Traffic from InstagramFind photos and videos that’ll resonate with your fans right from your desktop, then share to your social channels in just a few clicks.Save time and get more views on stories by planning, optimizing, and scheduling Instagram stories right from your desktop!Extend your reach, get more engagement on your posts, and save a ton of time while managing your profile. I always leave a comment with each like. But as the Instagram marketing space grows ever-crowded, and customers become more acquainted with it as a commercial platform, companies are …

I never had big amounts of likes, about 20 per post on average, they are just photos of my life, nothing spammed and not terrible photos, no over posting and the same content before the algorithm, but the likes have gone to the point where I have given up posting. If you only have a few minutes to spend on Instagram per day, would you rather see what’s been posted the last few minutes, or the best of everything you missed?Looking forward, the same could be said for Instagram: as the app matures, more and more people are joining Instagram, and we are following more people than ever before. If brands are doing a great job on Instagram, they’re rewarded with followers and engagement, and their posts aren’t penalized just because it’s branded content.

But your post wasn’t written like that and I stick by my comment that you patronised the audience that uses it by assuming they “don’t want to wonder what they’re missing.” I don’t miss anything in my feed because I scroll right through it and I’ve yet to meet many others who use it differently.I should have been clearer that I was trying to counterbalance the argument not show that everyone uses Instagram in the same way.When i open instagram, i scroll down to the post i’ve seen last… I never miss anything.According to the comments so far, most people seem to use it like Sophie and I.Maybe. Instagram feed goals tip #4: Planning your posts on Instagram. Livable as long as it doesn’t go down the same pathway as Facebook Pages did.Interesting idea. I have found I use Instagram far less since. This is what I see when I scroll down my home feed:This shows that Instagram still wants you to post photos and videos. Keeping your feed clean without any color distractions. Instagram Insights Meaning. As the founder of a start up I’m interested to see how this plays out for people managing accounts that are still in their infancy. But what about the average user who doesn’t receive hundreds of likes on a photo?

Slickdeals and reddit have gotten my attention lately.There was some good information in this post but it was packaged in a way that felt very patronizing.

It is Used with a hashtag on Instagram when you post a photo from a previous time period. !Instagram posts = fixed = they don’t disappear.

Many people aren’t that selective about who they follow, some are even “follow for follow”, and I’ve personally seen many different uses of Instagram, one of which is the one you mentioned (scroll through their feed until they reach the last post from the previous visit) but it’s not accurate at all to assume everyone else uses it that way.thanks for your comment, !