The elderly Claudia arrives at the house and convinces Jonas and Michael that Michael must die in 2019 as an adult and Mikkel must travel to the past as a child so that Jonas can be conceived, as his role in the cycle is greater than he believes. Dark is a German science fiction thriller web television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Tannhaus' grandfather - promises Jonas he can create a paradise. The third season introduces a storyline based in 1888 and a parallel reality featuring alternate versions of many main characters. On 21 June 2020, six days before the apocalypse, things in Winden have grown tense. Claudia delivers Tannhaus' book to him and visits her father's younger self and apologises to him, to his confusion.

Tannhaus, who disclaims knowledge of the book found in Helge's 2019 home. Egon wonders why Ulrich tried to get to the caves again, but Claudia insists there is nothing there. Ulrich is suspended from work and Katharina confronts him about his affair. He has a brief encounter with the younger Noah and his sister Agnes. From 1974 to 1986, H.G. Eva realizes that the cycle has finally been broken, and she and Adam embrace. Sie wird von Carlotta von Falkenhayn verkörpert. Later, Bartosz meets with Noah and agrees to join him. The kids take the time machine and leave Bartosz tied up in the cave.

This effort continues through 2041, by which point Elisabeth has given birth to Charlotte.

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Elisabeth Doppler is the younger daughter (born 2011) of Charlotte and Peter Doppler.She is deaf, so she communicates using sign language. Claudia's alternate self assigns her the task of saving both worlds, and gives her the triquetra journal for the first time. In 2020, Claudia goes to the abandoned power plant and finds the God Particle in a dormant state. She and Elisabeth bid farewell to Franziska and then enter the God Particle. Frightened, Helge claims to be able to change the past and future. In 2052, the elderly Claudia sends the adult Jonas on his mission to Winden in 2019, establishing the cycle of events that began in the first season. In 1987, adult Katharina visits Ulrich in the psychiatric ward and promises to get him out. They send Martha on her mission to rescue Jonas from the apocalypse. One of them, a young Noah, kills the other with a pick-ax on suspicions that he "lost [his] faith". Jonas' 2019 self goes to the beach with Martha, Bartosz, and Magnus; Michael has a tense encounter with his child self; Charlotte and Peter struggle with communication in the wake of Peter's affair; Aleksander fears that his past will catch up to him. Principal photography for the second season took place Filming for the third season began in May 2019 and wrapped in December 2019.Apart from the score, numerous pre-released songs were also used throughout the series. Egon unsuccessfully interviews Helge and visits an unresponsive Ulrich in jail. He gives Tronte a bracelet shaped like an Adam has moved Sic Mundus' base of operations to 2053. Claudia convinces Jonas to help her restore the God Particle.

In 2019, Charlotte finds a 1953 article on Helge's kidnapping, including a photo of Ulrich, in the archives. Looking for some great streaming picks? She portrays the 2019–2020 Elisabeth Doppler in Dark. Elisabeth bludgeons the burglar to death with a fire extinguisher.

Jonas attempts suicide out of despair but is stopped by the teenage Noah. They encounter the teenage Noah, who is now sleeping in the Winden caves; he says that he will protect Elisabeth after Peter is killed. The elderly Gustav Tannhaus - H.G. The second season takes place several months after the first, depicting the initial stories in 2020, 1987, and 1954, respectively, while continuing the future-set storyline into 2053, and adding a fifth storyline, set in 1921. The adult Jonas from the future makes his identity known to his mother, Hannah. Police chief Daniel Kahnwald (Ines' father) and officer Egon Tiedemann are puzzled by the boys' odd outfits. The site's critical consensus states, "The actors named are awarded as "representatives for the full cast".German science fiction thriller web television seriesThe Doppler, Nielsen, Kahnwald and Tiedemann FamiliesThe Doppler, Nielsen, Kahnwald and Tiedemann Families Bartosz shows Martha a secret lodge where Heinrich Tannhaus (Gustav's father) attempted to build a time machine to prevent the death of his wife - this lodge eventually becomes the Sic Mundus headquarters. Adam urges Jonas to prevent the origin with the alternate Martha, for it is their connection that binds the two worlds together. In 1954, a young and disfigured Helge returns after being missing for seven months but refuses to talk to anyone but Noah, with whom he spent the last seven months in 1987 building a new time machine. Aleksander has his men move a truck of radioactive waste into the power plant. They go on to have two children together in 1904 and 1910 respectively: Hanno (Noah) and Agnes (whose birth results in Silja's death). He realises she knows about time travel and is selfishly using the caves for her own gain. The younger Noah takes Jonas to the church, where he meets the older Noah, who escorts him to meet Adam, who reveals himself to be an elderly Jonas. The adult Elisabeth and Charlotte from 2053 travel to 2041 to kidnap baby Charlotte (who they eventually deliver to Tannhaus). Martha uses the distraction to travel to 2053, where she is revealed to be taking orders from Adam. She is met by Jonas, who is apparently still alive. Peter and Elisabeth look for Charlotte and Fransizka and learn that a perimeter wall will be built around Winden. Martha convinces Jonas she can be trusted by giving him a capsule that can activate the God Particle.

The newfound evidence makes Charlotte, who was raised by Tannhaus, question her origins.