The update of March 31, 2020 in a couple of weeks, so you still have time to adjust your products to the upcoming upgrade. That is why instagram API changes will take place on March 31 instead of March 2, as originally planned. Because we’re an Instagram partner, we use the private Instagram Graph API, which allows us to create features around scheduling, commenting, and analytics.Instagram’s recent changes to their API were a surprise, but it wasn’t a total shock. In 2018 Instagram developers officially announced data and the steps of the Legace API platform deprecation. Get More Instagram Followers Tip #2: Work with Micro-influencers If you’re looking to reach new audiences, Instagram influencer partnerships are by far the best performing platform for brands.. With an average 3.21% engagement rate compared to 1.5% across all social networks, having a strong influencer campaign strategy is a real asset to brands looking to grow on Instagram. Starting today, you can find...Creating a stunning Instagram profile just got easier! There’s no support for MPO or JPS formats, live images and stories, shopping and branded content tags, filters and multi-image posts.Manage all your comments (reply, disable/unable, delete, hide comments on media objects owned by Instagram Business or Creators account.Operate photos and videos, which were tagged with specific hashtags.Via that API you can’t work with Stories, emojis and personally identifiable tags.Page and Post impressions are now categorized. Groups API apps without an access token for a group admin can still access the endpoints, but there won’t be no user ID’s or names included.There’s no longer need to get special permission for basic info and data in the Instagram accounts – just use Instagram Basic Display API. This has mainly affected a lot of shopping apps that helped you keep track of items you were interested in purchasing via your Instagram “likes.”If you’re using any apps to analyze your Instagram followers, or someone else’s followers, these will no longer work. When you have more fans, you tend to receive more likes, more comments, and more views. The basic changes are:Instagram officially announced about those changes and postponed original date (now it’s on March 31) to help developers get a permissions for both APIs – Instagram Graph and Basic Display API. This also affects any apps that would show you when someone unfollowed you.For example, if you were using an app or service to evaluate whether an influencer’s followers were real or not, you won’t be able to do that anymore.Another major change is that personal accounts won’t be able to post or delete comments from anywhere except the Instagram API. In case you display multiple account on your website, you have to immediately apply for permissions via App Review. If you want to use community management features like If you’re a brand who uses apps to search for user-generated content on Instagram, like Later’s Search & Repost feature, you will be a bit more limited now. Instagram made an important announcement about upcoming changes in operating API, which will affect both – Instagram users and delevopers. The last deprecation of the old Instagram API will be on March 31, 2020. Here at GrabFreeFollowers we offer a unique service unlike any other, for a limited time only we are offering up to 50,000 Instagram followers completely free of charge! You can choose anything between 1 – 50,000 either sent to your account straight away or drip fed over a couple of days/weeks. You have to apply for permissions to the Instagram Basic Display API via App Review.There are few ways how to do it with the new platform.

As it was announced long time ago, starting with 31 July 2018 and for two next years, old Instagram Legacy API Platform were migrating all its functions onto Instagram Graph API. It can be used to access any type of Instagram account. There are also adjustments to the categorized of Like/Unlike Sources.Pages Webhooks were restructured to Workplace mentions.